Sunday, March 27, 2016

Defenders of the Family Unit

What an incredible week. CJ and his family came up from Tennessee for the week and then Chris and his family came for the Easter weekend. We had a blast. We went to museums to learn, create, experiment, and explore. We went to an aquarium to touch, watch, laugh, question and awe. We stayed home on a rainy/snowy day, all day in our pajamas, where we cooked, colored, painted,  played, competed, cut, glued, sang and ate. On the sunny days we ran, jumped, swung, twirled, hit, threw, went to the zoo and rod in the Jeep. On Sunday we worshiped, prayed, hunted for eggs and feasted. We were family! (minus a few).

The Family; A Proclamation to the World tells us that we need to
defend the family. It states, "Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets. We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society".

Satan would have us believe otherwise but the family is the most important unit in God's plan. Families can be forever. I for one am grateful for the family unit and promise to be a defender of it!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Strength Centered Comments...

When our children were younger Chad taught a Dale Carnegie Human Relations and Public Speaking course. This opportunity was a blessing for our family in so many ways. The fact that it helps us financially was an incredible blessing but the biggest blessings came from the teachings themselves. Because Chad would practice these concepts with the kids they learned to communicate, especially with adults. This has been a skill they have used and will continue to use throughout their lives. They also all have the ability to stand in front of a crowd and deliver a well thought out speech. They learned how to memorize; they learned how to use the conversation stack to carry on conversations with others; they learned how to not criticize, condemn or complain; and many others. One of the most enjoyable exercises was learning to give and accept strength centered comments. As a family we would sit in a circle and give a strength centered comment to the person sitting next to us. We did this quite often and it blessed our family with confidence, strength and increased love. It taught us how to look for the good in others and how to accept compliments. The rules for this exercise are as follows:
  • Recognize a strength – Identify a positive that you see with in that person. Then let them know why that strength is important and relevant. Say what and why...
  • Keep it brief – Try to keep your comment to 30 seconds or less. Being short and concise will allow your message to be more powerful. You will have the person's complete attention during this time. Also, you must have eye contact at all times.
  • Focus on the person and not yourself – Remember, you are trying to build confidence and uplift others. It is important to shine the light on the person you are giving the comment to and not on yourself. Do not make it flowery or pretend. It must be sincere and thoughtful.
  • Response – All you can say is Thank you. Nothing else. Don't try to downplay it or make excuses.
One of the most memorable experiences we had was when our daughter was about 4 and her older brother would have been about 8. Kimberly could not wait to sit next to CJ. You could tell that she had something to say. Her enthusiasm was electrifying. When it was her turn she looked at CJ and said, "CJ, I love you because you are soooo handsome". It was so sweet. I love that our children love each other and have the confidence to tell each other why. What a great blessing to our family.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Love languages...

We are blessed with four incredible children. They truly are our miracle children and we will be eternally grateful for the joy they have bought into our lives. With our first we were very naïve and thought that because our children came from the same two parents and would be raised in the same environment they would all be the same. We were so wrong. We have four different children with different personalities, likes, dislikes and needs. Because they were different we had to discipline and teach them differently. They each have their own love language. Recently my daughter posted on Instagram "updates" on her children. She highlighted their differences, how much they have grown, things they are doing, phrases they had recently said, and things that she loves about them. I thought it would be fun to "update" you on our children.

CJ - The oldest. A father of three. A loving husband. Helpful to his wife. Involved father. Family is his greatest joy. Confident. Faithful. Talented. A great teacher. Works hard/plays hard. Athletic. A coach in many aspects of his life. Loves the gospel of Jesus Christ with all his heart. Outgoing. Effective negotiator. Supportive. Encouraging. Practical. Successful. MBA. Speaks Dutch.

Chris - The second. Also a father of three. Loves his family with all his heart. Calm. Obedient. Humble. Tenderhearted. Thoughtful. Focused. Loves the gospel of Jesus Christ as well. Inquisitive. Studious. Fun loving/goofy/wild side. Athletic. Daredevil. Tallest. Easy going. Faithful. "Punny". Working on his PHD. Speaks Samoan.

Kim - The rose among the thorns. Without guile. Kind. Sure. Compassionate. Full of charity for others. Mother of two. A mother who knows! Teaches, guides and loves her children with Christ-like love. Smart. Creative. Musical. Great athlete. Wonderful wife and daughter. Respectful. Forgiving. Loves the gospel too. Clever. Loves to laugh. "Tech" teacher. Speaks Spanish.

Corey - Is and always will be the baby. Happy. Humble. Newly married and totally in love. Obedient. Affectionate. Witty. Hard worker. Conscientious. Goal driven. Enjoys life. Outgoing. Loves the gospel. Thoughtful. Forgiving. Respectful. Athletic. Smart. Studying engineering. Started first internship. Speaks Spanish.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Priesthood of God.

I have a testimony of many things. I have a testimony of Girls Camp and the incredible spiritual experience it can bring to Young Women. I have a testimony of EFY and the power of influence for good it had on my children as far as scripture study and better music choices. I have a testimony of Seminary and it's value of putting on the armor of God every morning. I have a testimony of the Savior's atonement and the power to forgive as well as give hope. I have a testimony of the power of the Holy Ghost and it's power to bring peace and comfort as well as guide. I found that as I live and experience different aspects of the gospel my testimony in that area grows by leaps and bounds. There are many areas I need to continue to work on like family history. My first testimony in the gospel was when I was a young girl. That testimony is of the Priesthood. The power of God on the earth today. I have seen this power throughout my life and will be eternally grateful for a father, grandfather, brother, husband, sons, home teachers, bishops, etc. that have strengthened this testimony. Of all the incredible Priesthood holders in my life my father stands out most. He honored, loved, and understood the Priesthood. He taught me from a very young age to also honor and respect the Priesthood. He was a courageous example of what a Priesthood holder should be. Dad was quite ill during his life, especially the last seven years. I was a teenager at the time. One time when he was in the hospital, in isolation, Chad was ready to receive the Melchizedek priesthood and wanted my dad to confer that upon him. Dad was so ill that he could barely open his eyes, let alone sit up. We got permission from the Stake President to do the ordinance in the hospital. It was amazing to watch my dad sit up, give an incredible prayer, and lie back down drained. He had the faith and the Lord blessed him. Dad so wanted the Priesthood to be in his home. I know that he understood that home teachers were available but he wanted it there, in the home. At the time my brother to young so it would been a few more years before he would be a Priesthood holder. Chad and I were married in the Mesa Temple and my dad was well enough to make it to the ceremony. He was one of the witnesses. He was in a wheelchair at the time. After the ceremony he leaned over to my mom and whispered, "I can go know, there is a Priesthood holder in the home". The next day was Father's day then on Monday he went back into the hospital and passed away shortly after. There is no doubt in my mind that had Chad not joined our family my dad would have waited for my brother to get the Priesthood. It was that important to him. Since that day I have experienced many wonderful aspects of the Priesthood. I have worked in ward councils, my husband has been a Bishop and in the Stake Presidency, my sons have all served missions, I have seen father's blessings, blessings of healing, babies blessed, baptisms, and confirmations. I have the incredible blessing and privilege of working  in the Temple. And many more, too many to mention. The Priesthood and my testimony of it are one of the greatest blessings in my life.

Mothers who know...

Sister Julie Beck gave an incredible talk in 2007 entitled "Mothers Who Know". In it she talked about the power and influence of mothers. As I was recently reading this talk for class I was reminded of the incredible mothers - who know - that my daughter and daughter-in-laws are. These loving women, Kim - Alli - Jessica - Michelle, know how important their role as mother is. They are teaching their children correct principles. They have chosen to be home for their children. They love being mothers and never make excuses for their choice. They are daughters of God and they know that they are responsible for helping His children, whom He has given them responsibility for, to return to Him someday.  I love being with them and seeing the joy they have in their posterity. I love that they rejoice in their little ones accomplishments. I love that they cry with them in the hard times; laugh with then in funny times; and mourn with them when mistakes are made. Sister Beck said that mothers who know honor sacred covenants and ordinances. She also said they stand strong and immovable. These four daughters of mine exemplify all of these. I love that they love the gospel. That they love the Lord. That they honor the Priesthood their husbands hold. That they are converted to the ways of the Lord. But even more, I love that they are teaching their children the same ideal. As I look over all the wonderful blessings in my life, and there are many, one of the greatest blessings is having four beautiful daughters that are mothers who know.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Grandma Ida...

PRESTON - Ida Lorene Robins Fuhriman, 95, passed away Monday, April 18, 2011, at the Franklin County Medical Center in Preston. She was born March 6, 1916, in Plain City, Utah, the daughter of Ira Joseph and Irene Folkman Robins. She married Darvel Miller Fuhriman on Dec. 22, 1936, in Preston, Idaho. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Logan LDS Temple.
She was a beautiful seamstress and an excellent cook. She made the best cinnamon rolls ever. She enjoyed sharing her sewing and cooking talents with family, friends and neighbors. She was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She enjoyed serving as a visiting teacher and as Sunday School secretary for many years. She also served as a temple worker.
She is survived by her daughter, Janet F. Maughan of Scottsdale, Ariz.; her son, Scott D. Fuhriman of Key West, Fla.; five grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband and by three brothers and one sister.

Grandma Ida would have been a hundred years old yesterday. Oh how I miss her. The above obituary forgot to mention that she loved her family dearly and they meant the world to her. That she was their rock. That she was the kindest women. That she loved to tell stories - over and over again. That she spent most of her life caring for her sick husband or daughter. That all of her posterity (it's grown by 10 since then) loved her so much that they were all in attendance except the two great-grandsons on a mission. That she was a perfect example of how to love with patience and non-judgment. I am who I am today because of this great lady and will be eternally grateful for her love and example. I only pray that I can be the kind of sister, wife, mom, grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great grandmother that she was to her loved ones. Because we are an eternal family I get to be with her again someday and it will be awesome! I love and miss you Grandma Ida. Thanks for everything.

What is your love language?

According to Gary Chapman the five languages of love are:

  • Quality Time
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Acts of Service
  • Physical Touch
  • Gifts
If you go to you can take a test to find out what yours are. I wasn't surprised to find out that my top two were quality time and acts of service. I love spending time with Chad. It really is the very best. He is my best friend and so much fun to be with. It doesn't have to be exotic and expensive either. A Jeep ride with the music blasting; banana grams; rock band; a walk around the block; or even running errands. Time with Chad is my love language and avenue to happiness. Chad has never backed away from telling me he loves me. In fact, once I actually told him he tells me to much and to stop. Boy was that a mistake - I truly missed it. But one of the best ways he shows me he loves me is with acts of service. Doing the dishes if they are in the sink; sweeping and vacuuming the floor if it needs it; letting me have the towel closest to the shower so I stay warm; letting me lay my head on his shoulder when sad - and letting me cry, just to name a few. This next two weeks I will be working on learning Chad's love language and trying harder to use it. I will keep you updated on the progress but am actually looking forward to showing greater love to Chad so he too can feel as loved as I do.

The Temple is all about Families - Eternal Families...

Chicago Illinois Temple3.jpgI have the wonderful opportunity to serve in the Chicago Illinois Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints twice a month. I love working anywhere in the Temple but one of my favorites is the Baptistry. Here baptism is performed, by proxy, for those who have passed on before. I especially love it when a youth group comes to do the baptisms. This past weekend we served with two different youth groups from local wards. The first was smaller and they were baptized for Temple names. Names given to them by the Temple. It was a sweet experience. The next group was larger and they had brought family names with them. Everyone had at least 9 names that they got to do. The spirit was so strong. One of the sisters that had come with the group to assist them had brought her grandmother's name to be done. She quietly asked if she could be the proxy for the confirmation if it wasn't a problem. She didn't want to cause any trouble. Trouble? How could the opportunity for you to do your grandmother's work cause trouble. Of course we will make that happen. So after all the other work was done she was escorted into the confirmation room where she started the work on her grandmother. In time this beautiful family will be sealed for time and eternity. Eternity. Forever together. How awesome is that? Another time during the day I was walking in the hall and noticed a young man all dressed in white walking towards the sealing room with the temple workers. He too was going to be sealed to his family for all eternity. It really hit me that temples are all about families - eternal families. And I am truly grateful for mine! 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Can't Believe It's Been Two Weeks Already!

Other than not updating the blog last week the past two weeks have been awesome. Don't get me wrong, every time I picked up the phone I would go to click Facebook and then I would remember don't do it. The biggest thing that I have noticed over the past two weeks is that I am happier. I haven't read anti-stuff. I haven't read ugly comments. I haven't been bombarded with politics. And not one person has asked me to play a game or help them win stuff. It's actually been quite heavenly. While at work yesterday I actually noticed that I was carrying on a very nice conversation with one of my co-workers. What a novel idea. I am hoping to keep this going. I think I can live without knowing everything about everyone. I can live without the meme's, although many are very clever. I can live without the negativity. But one thing I can't live without - pictures of the grandkids. So, for now, I will not be deleting Instagram. One step at a time, right?

Sunday, February 21, 2016

How will I ever make it without Facebook?

Today was the first day of the Provident Living #4 - Media Management. I set a goal to not look at Facebook for 2 weeks. It has been about 24 hours since I set that goal and it has been harder than expected. In the last 24 hours I have realized how many times I look at Facebook on my phone. This is quite often BTW. I have decided to delete the app from my phone because every time there is a comment or post related to our Facebook I get a notice on my phone and I am tempted to check it out. Several years ago my husband taught a Dale Carnegie class. One of the human relations principles taught was Don't Criticize, Condemn or Complain. This left a lot of time on your hands so you were suppose to replace it with something good. So now I have more time on my hands by not looking at Facebook so what shall I replace it with? What if I read the scriptures on my phone instead? How far would I get? What if I read general conference talks instead? How uplifted would I be? What if I didn't pick up my phone at all and carried on a conversation with a co-worker? How much missionary work could be accomplished? What if I called one of my children to tell them of my love? How much joy would that bring to both of us? What if I wrote a letter of thanks or called a friend in need? What a novel idea! What if I sent a text to my young women to let them know I was thinking of them? How much closer could we become! All of these will be great replacements and bring much good to me but the greatest blessing that will come from not looking at Facebook will be peace and happiness. Why? Because I will not be reading angry comments, anti-Mormon posts from old friends, or scary news reports. I will not be wasting time on game invites or silly surveys. I will be less frustrated with politics and more in tune with the spirit. All in all I have to say this may be the hardest but most rewarding 2 weeks in a long time. I will keep you posted on how it goes!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


There is nothing that brings more joy than family! I am blessed with a wonderful family. It seems that this family started out with just the two of us a few years ago and has grown to 18 in no time flat. These are 7 of the 8 incredible blessings in my life. You can tell by the looks of things that they were done with having pictures taken. The oldest will be baptized next summer. I am grateful for their parents that are raising them in the gospel. That are teaching them correct principles and preparing them to make and keep sacred covenants that they will someday make in the Temple. I am grateful that their parents made those sacred covenants with each other and strive daily to keep them. When I look at this picture I am reminded of my Heavenly Father's plan and His love for me. I can't wait to be with these guys forever!


This week in class we studied Gospel Ordinances and Covenants. I was reminded of the importance of these in my life. I am grateful for the Temple and the covenants I have made with the Lord. I was especially grateful for the covenant of marriage and that Chad and I can be married for not only time but for eternity.

Friday as I was driving to work I was listening to my favorite radio station. It was a couple of days before Valentine's and they had put together a "No-Budget" wedding. It was 7:30 in the morning and a couple was getting married at the radio station. Their family was there to enjoy the morning. They had only learned a week before that they had won this prize. As I listened to this wedding being performed on the radio it was fun to hear the mothers cry, the groomsmen joke, the bridesmaids cheer, and the couple make vows with one another. I was grateful that in our crazy world that people still felt it necessary to make these vows with one another. It made my heart happy. The radio DJ mentioned that she is getting married again and her mother is upset that it is not in the Catholic church. She explained that in order to do that she would need to get her first marriage annulled. She was not willing to do that. She did not want to say that her first marriage never happened. Her first marriage was a big part of her life and she had wonderful children because of it. I was saddened that her first marriage ended in divorce but grateful that is was a good memory.

These two stories made me contemplate the things I had learned in class this week. Marriage is ordained of God. It is between a man and a women. The covenant that we make with one another is for eternity. We can be together forever if we live up to that covenant. I will be eternally grateful for this wonderful blessing in my life. I am grateful for four children that have chosen to enter into this covenant of marriage. Here is a picture of our last one - in the Gilbert AZ Temple - where there were no empty seats!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

     This semester I am taking an online class entitled The Eternal Family. The purpose of this course is to help deepen our understanding of the plan of salvation and the doctrines and principles found in the Family proclamation. Another purpose is to help our desire to strengthen our marriages, nurture our children and create a healthy, supportive and righteous family environment. And lastly, to work on provident living skills that will help our marriage and family.
     The first provident living skill we worked on was scripture study. I made a goal to read the scriptures for the Sunday School lesson daily, with my husband. This has been a great blessing. Although we are not as consistent as we should be at the daily part, we have been successful in reading the assignment. It has been very helpful when we go to class to understand and participate. I have enjoyed the discussion I have had with Chad about what we are reading and how we can apply them to become better people.
     As we have read the first book of Nephi I have been amazed the lessons taught about the eternal family. We see the desire of Lehi for his family to partake of the fruit and have the ability to be together forever. How hard must it have been for Nephi to see the future, to see his brother's posterity fighting with his posterity and the devastation to come. He knew that the possibility of eternal family was gone because of the choices his brothers would make. But he continued on, being a great example, and worked hard for the promise of his own family being eternal.
     As we read, study, ponder and apply the scriptures in our lives we can be uplifted, edified, and taught by the spirit the things that we need to do to ensure that our families are eternal.

"Strong eternal families and Spirit-filled homes do not just happen. They take great effort, they take time, and they take each member of the family doing his or her part.” —Cheryl A Esplin: